Having a dedicated server, you’re going to get a standalone physical server, that’s used by you and you only. Watch Results Internet Webhosting’s video presentation and discover how a Linux dedicated hosting by Results Internet Webhosting may benefit your sites and initiatives.

Having a dedicated server from Results Internet Webhosting you’ll get a server, developed with verified, reliable and thoroughly evaluated hardware elements. In this way, we seek to reduce all probable hardware failures, which can be normal with brand–new and untried components. Additionally, all dedicated servers come in Results Internet Webhosting’s data center in USA, which provides unrivaled connectivity, power and cooling opportunities.

With each and every of the servers, it’s also possible to opt for the OS. We offer CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu, three of the very most reliable and secure Linux distributions, available. At the same time, each one offers sizeable support communities, that will help you eliminate any issue you come across.

With each and every dedicated server, you’ll get a great deal of 100% free bonuses. You receive 3 unique dedicated IP addresses, a free billing software along with a no cost domain name reseller account. And in case you choose Debian, you can even take advantage of Results Internet Webhosting’s no charge Web Site Control Panel, that on its own is filled with loads of cost–free site tools.