Data Backups

Your web site content can be recovered at any moment

Not a single website is guarded against cyber–thieves assaults. Your website may be affected even by accidental web site content deleting on your end. With our backup service, we can retrieve all your web site content at any moment. Aside from the routine server backups that we’re creating, you can yourself make manual back–up copies of your website content with a click of the mouse using the File Manager, which is accessibly incorporated into your Web Site Control Panel. Just generate an archive of the file(s) you wish to manually back up and put it in a location of your preference.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

We’ve utilized the latest cloud server technologies when building our own web hosting platform, which is invulnerable to occasional service disruptions and downtimes. All the services associated with your web site like DNSs, emails, databases, web applications, etcetera are handled by separate hosting servers to ensure that even if there is an overload problem, your web site will still be running seamlessly.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

All the helpful site controls that you need in one place

Manage your sites with a mouse click taking full advantage of the custom–built point ’n’ click Web Site Control Panel. It includes a drag–and–drop File Manager, an all–encompassing Domains Manager for your domains (you can update your WHOIS data and your nameservers, lock, unclock and Whois Privacy Protect your domains, set custom DNS records, etc.), a quick E Mail Account Manager (you can forward emails, order email spam protection, create auto–responders, create email filters, get anti–spoofing protection, etc.), a Databases Manager for controling multiple MySQL/PostgreSQL databases, a comprehensive statistics graphical user interface and a lot of advanced tools.

Web Hosting Control Panel

VPN Access

Secure, private surfing

If you live in a region with stringent web surfing regulations but would like to explore the web as much as possible, we have the solution for you. With all our shared website hosting packs, you’ll be able to acquire Virtual Private Network access and surf the web freely. All you have to do is set up a brand–new network using the settings we offer then we’ll route both your inbound and outbound web site traffic through one of our VPN data centers.

VPN Access

Web Accelerators

The Site Accelerators (Node.js, Varnish and Memcached) built into the hosting Web Site Control Panel, are there to substantially improve the speed of your dynamic web sites.

They are built to cache the data from your web sites and hence minimize the number of requests to the database server or the application programming interface. This will help all your sites open considerably quicker than before and will help you allure more pleased website visitors, which means reduced bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

NVMe Drives

NVMe–disk–powered cloud hosting servers

All our shared website hosting servers feature NVMe drives rather than standard HDDs. NVMe drives offer much faster read/write speeds, which implies that your websites will load so much faster. No additional website modifications are needed.

Thanks to the outstanding web connectivity possibilities offered by all our cloud web hosting Data Center Facilities, your site will begin to open much faster once you turn to our hosting services.

NVMe Drives