Any time you purchase a brand new Linux shared website hosting, it is created on a server and the process typically takes some time, including the validation and processing of the fee, which a lot of companies perform personally. When you acquire a dedicated server, for instance, the configuration takes longer since the machine has to be built, set up and tried to ensure that it'll work effectively. By reason of this, numerous providers have a one-time fee so as to cover the time and efforts spent on your new account. The cost, which can sometimes be quite high, is usually not displayed on the front page, still you'll find it on your checkout or payment page, therefore you won't be aware of it before you have already completed the entire registration process and you can even miss it if you don't pay attention.

Setup Fee in Shared Website Hosting

When you purchase a shared website hosting package from our company, you won't ever need to pay any installation charges. In fact, we don't have other concealed fees of any sort either. We respect every customer and it's our principle that when you acquire any sort of plan through us, you should not have to pay anything more than the charge for the web hosting package. You will not see any concealed charges before or after your order, which shows you that we are a dependable and legitimate supplier. The cost of your brand new shared hosting plan is identical all around on our web site - the front page, the order as well as the payment pages. Since we also have immediate account activation, you won't have to wait for many hours or days so that you can begin setting up your site.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you purchase a semi-dedicated server package through us, you'll pay just the monthly charge that is already displayed on our site. The account will be made on our servers and we will activate it within a matter of minutes at no extra charge. This will be valid for each and every monthly fee and regardless of the total number of accounts that you get. It's our principle that it's unreasonable to charge extra money for a process that we've virtually fully computerized, which means that you won't ever see any kind of setup charges or another hidden charges. For this reason, all the prices that are on our main page, on your payment page as well as on your bank statement will be exactly the same.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Hosting

Our Linux dedicated hosting don't have any installation or other concealed fees. Through your signup process, you shall pay only the standard monthly price for the package that you have chosen. As soon as you place your order, we will build and test your brand new machine, and then we'll install all of the software that you will need in order to have a completely operational server - Operating System, hosting Control Panel in case you've chosen one, web server, MySQL, and many more. All of the aforementioned duties are part of the package and they come without charge, so the registration payment and all of your forthcoming renewal payments will be exactly the same. If the server is equipped with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you already have a shared hosting account from us, we can even transfer your content on your brand new server at no additional charge.