.CO.ZA Pricing

TLD 1 Year
Sole .CO.ZA registration $17.00

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.CO.ZA no yes yes no 1 Year

.CO.ZA Domain Names Registration

.CO.ZA is the country-code TLD extension for South Africa and it is available for just $17.00 per year at Results Internet Webhosting. You can get a .CO.ZA domain name for up to 1 year with us. By selecting a .CO.ZA domain, your website will achieve much better recognition in South Africa, as sites with country-code TLD extensions generally rank higher in local search engine results.

.CO.ZA Domains with Results Internet Webhosting

Control a variety of .CO.ZA domain names without any effort. Have total control over their WHOIS details and DNS records. Create URL forwarding with just a mouse-click. Park an unlimited number of domain names. You will be able to do all that and a lot more by using Results Internet Webhosting's user-friendly Domain Manager instrument, that provides each of the attributes that you might need so as to control your domain names effectively.

In addition, you can manage your websites and your domain names from one and the same place, as the Domain Manager is an essential part of our Web Hosting Control Panel.