Custom Error Pages in Shared Website Hosting
The personalized error pages feature is provided with each and every shared website hosting package deal we offer and you'll be able to substitute all generic pages with your own with no more than a few mouse clicks inside your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. You shall need to create the actual files and to upload them to your account, then to set them for a particular domain or subdomain through the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia CP. You may do this for each and every web site hosted in the account separately, so that every set of personalized pages will have the very same layout as the website it's part of. If necessary, you may always return back to a default page from our system or to a default Apache server page. An alternate way to set customized error pages is to create an .htaccess file inside the domain/subdomain root folder and to include a few lines in it. If you have not done this before, you may simply copy the needed program code from our Help article about this.
Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All Linux semi-dedicated hosting that we offer support custom error pages and it shall not take more than several clicks inside your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel to use this feature. The option can be found in the Hosted Domains section of your CP where you will need to enter the links to the custom-made files via very simple drop-down menus and a user-friendly interface. Of course, you need to upload them inside your account before that. If you don't want to employ this function at some point, you could deactivate it just as quickly and select an Apache server page or a default page from our system to be viewable whenever your visitors encounter an error. If you'd like to, you can also use an .htaccess file to allow the custom error pages. The file needs to contain a particular line of code as well as a link for each and every error type and you may discover an example of the entire content for all four error types in our Help section.